PROOF - June 17, 2021
From Eric Trump to the State Department, paramilitaries to pro-Trump rappers, Trump lawyers to Stop the Steal, this portrait of the ties of an invitee to an Insurrection Week "war room" is telling.
Joe Oltmann said it was a “lie” to call Rudy Giuliani’s suite of offices at the Willard Hotel in DC a “war room”, though it was described as such by Oltmann associate and Trump lawyer John Eastman, who appears alongside Oltmann in the war room photo.
So who is Joe Otto/Joe Oltmann, besides a Trump supporter who appears to—much like others involved in the Willard Hotel war room on January 6, including Eastman, Hyde, Rudy Giuliani, Maria Ryan, Christina Bobb, Russell Ramsland Jr., and, per Oltmann, as many as twenty-three other people—accuse anyone who disagrees with him of being a secret member of what he calls a “terrorist” group (i.e., antifa)?
Joe Oltmann is a tech millionaire who resigned his position at PIN Business Network while he was in Washington working in Trump’s war room during Insurrection Week. More importantly for the investigation Proof is now conducting regarding wealthy, powerful, and or influential individuals in any way associated with any of the events of Insurrection Week, Oltmann is a co-founder of FEC United (“Faith, Education, and Commerce United”), which has in the past issued joint statements with—and presently shares a website with—the United American Defense Force (UADF), which advertises itself as “offering protection and support when first responders are unwilling or unable to fulfill their civic duties.”